Overflate beskyttelse

BriteGuard® is a top quality, easy-to-use surface protection system for glass and glazed ceramic surfaces – with extraordinary properties:

Excellent Efficiency

BriteGuard® Surface Sealer reacts chemically with glass and glazed ceramics to form a high strength functional layer that protects against soil adhesion and glass corrosion.

Exceptional Resistance

BriteGuard® Surface Sealer can withstand mechanical wear as well as chemicals, heat, UV radiation and is significantly more resistant to such elements than other surface protection products.

Clearly structured modular system instead of a deluge of products

BriteGuard® Surface Sealer is available for smooth and rough surfaces.
The modular system makes it very easy to select the necessary products.

Vi tilbyr denne behandlingen med nanoteknoligi som ved normal bruk vil ha en levetid på ca 10 år. Ta kontakt for priser.